27 July 2012


I sit on the roof with my brother Jordan, and my cousins, Justin and Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is wearing his new yellow sneakers, and dangling from my ears are the elephant earrings I bought at the Melrose Trading Post earlier that day.  I have that warm contented feeling that comes from spending time with people you have known your entire existence, and I take the last sip of my beer as the California sun lazily disappears.

26 July 2012

back from LA

I was in Los Angeles for a few days to visit my brother and sister-in-law.  We ate too much food, and then talked about eating more food until it was time to eat more food.  They complained about the heat wave and I laughed at them and reveled in the near-perfect weather.  My brother and I spent the mornings watching music documentaries, and the afternoons driving around the city listening to Black Sabbath.  I ate the best burrito I have ever had.

16 July 2012

the storm

It is the end of a really long, hard week, and the rain finally comes; first on tiptoe and then stronger and faster until my hair sticks together and pours rivers down my cheeks.  I kick up puddles with my flip-flops; spatter-painting my calves in mud and eventually ducking for cover underneath the theatre marquee to watch my pent-up feelings slowly drain away.